Cardiff, 24 — 25 Jan 2015

Held at the Hadyn Ellis Building in Cathays, Cardiff, and organised by Dr Anne-Marie Cunningham.

Photo by Paul Clarke ©

Blog posts about the event


General-Purpose Medium Timescale Messaging system with High Reliability A system that sends alerts to humans in timescale 30 - 120 minutes. Common, simple data input. Available for other systems or developers. Range of outputs: SMS, voice call, email, fax. Fails-safe: i.e. when it has failed, the initiator of the alert knows about the failure soon enough to move safely to another strategy. Martyn Read University Hosp Cardiff @MsrREAD; Ian Hammond Criticall; Stuart Mackintosh OpusVL Demo
ANGEL Murmuration How to capture intuitive clinical decisions in real time in a way that doesn't interfere with the (sophisticated but delicate) cognitive process. The decisions are influenced by 5 underlying factors, or signifiers, that all clinicians use instinctively. The 5 signifiers sit on simple scale of 1 simple to 5 chaotic. The scores are added to create a total from 5 to 25, but more importantly the numbers create a pattern that matches the original intuition. This can be captured over time to show change, monitor safety, trigger communications, measure demand and demonstrate individual and collective patient outcomes. Matt Wyatt (interfering with starlings) Lindsey Fallow (coding witchcraft) Warren Fauvel (sexy engineering) Michael Corbett (social inspiration) Gareth Morlais (sanity checking) Dr Jasjit Kaur Atwal (clinical rudder) @complexwales @betabetic @warrenof @jasjitkauratwal @kobb @digitalst Demo
Wales Coast Path Large Group Participation A visual tool based on the Wales Coast Path Aimed at large groups to allow them to manage signup, walking and completion of the path. This supports NHS Public Health priorities to promote exercise to improve health.Promoting healthier lifestyles through walking Aimed at large groups - managing the 1400km Using visual map of sections available, signup and completion Fits with Public Health Priorities of NHS Wales Aimed at extending access and involvement for all abilities Joseph Redfern - chief coder Lorenzo Berger - coding Dyfrig Williams - support and UX Ena Lloyd - support and UX Chris Bolton - support and UX @whatsthepont
Cardiff Community Informatics Network (not presenting) Finding and graphically displaying time series data for a range of health indicators to show trends for the health of people in Cardiff - as a base for a discussion about action planning. Makes use of the Semantic Mediawiki platform. Next step - to dynamically link the wiki to the external datastores and give users an interactive interface Paul Byers Yasmine Boudiaf Matt D @cdfcinet @YasmineBoudiaf Demo
Virtual Microscope VirtualMicroscope is a Python/Django application to view, navigate and annotate very high-resolution images. It was created at New York University School of Medicine for viewing medical slides for teaching and research purposes, where it has proved very successful, but in the basic principle is suitable for exploring any high-resolution images - from astronomy, museum collections, specialised photographic applications and so on. The application makes use of image tiling (and specifically, Google Maps's implementation of this, though other tiling systems could be used) to make it possible to view and zoom into images tens or even hundreds of GB in size. In medicine and science, a virtual microscope relieves pressure on laboratories and equipment, and makes it possible to to collaborate remotely - without needing to transport precious slides or colleagues. More generally, the technology simply makes it possible to view huge images. Aled Owen Christopher Marshall Daniele Procida Fabio Natali Geraint Palmer James Tancock Vincent Knight @krystofam @drvinceknight @fnstudio Demo
Improving inpatientpatient lists at King's College Hospital - PRUH Site (not presenting) Current situation: when patient is admitted to medical division, their details are added to excel spreadsheet called the take list. The next day this is renamed Post take list and patient details are also copied on the white board in AMU during MDT meeting. The day after, those patients that haven't been discharged are copied on a AMU Team list. From there, they are transferred to general wards, and their details added to the respective Ward list. On Friday, some patient details are transcribed to the on call list. All these lists are hosted on shared excel files, which are stored on a shared folder accessible without password from any trust PC. Problems: - Information at risk of confidentiality breach - High risk of error, as multiple lists not updated simultaneously, and patient details have to be rewritten several times during course of admission. - Time consuming Solution: - Explored different existing solutions and will bring these back to hospital IT team to make a start on business case to implement new solution. Ideal solution: fully integrated patient list, containing all relevant information about the patient (demographics, medical background and diagnosis, pending jobs, investigations, etc). The list has tailored views depending who accesses it and is hosted on secure servers, accessible via individual log in. Patient information migrates across different wards as the patient moves through the hospital until they are discharged. Dr Emanuele Garbelli Dr Pablo Kostelec
Health Explorer Wales Framework for visualisation of temporal and multivariate health data across wales. Focus on sustainability and extensibility of project. Charles Boutaud Annalisa Esposito Pooja Dantewadia Nikita Vashisth William Wilberforce Webberley Matthew Williams Glyn Mottershead Martin Chorley @CBoutaud @NikitaVashisth @Idioteque90 @PoojaDante @egrommet @flyingsparx @voxmjw @martinjc
Medboard Medical students in hospital can often find themselves without any formal teaching arranged. Although informal teaching may be taking place throughout the hospital, students are often unaware of where this is happening. Medboard connects healthcare professionals who want to teach and students who want to learn. Sessions are added by healthcare professionals about an event that is happening in the near future. This is added to a real-time database of learning opportunities which students can access. Students who are keen to attend then have the option of signing up to attend a particular session. Ben Sharif and Yousef Ibrahim @bsharif @yos_ms Demo
Gwyb - Healthcare Notification System GWYB is a multilingual notification system, configured by patient or their nominated representative, that allows for complex multichannel information exchange in response to triggering events like attending a health or care facility, such as Accident & Emergency or calling an ambulance. Built on the existing, open source technology of OpenEHR, and developed from the beginning with input from patients, GWYB aims to deliver important, personalised clinical information to care givers when it is most needed. Team GWYB believe that this system could deliver, from day one, significant improvements in care for vulnerable patient groups. Sam Knight Steve Walford Ian McNicoll Ian Stevens Hildegard Franke Dan Bayley Dr Keith Grimes @samknight @stevewalford1@ianmcnicoll @hildegardfranke @danielbayley80 @keithgrimes Code
Zombie drag racer The zombie drag racer. A virtual reality computer game using the oculus rift and the games engine unity. Assesses the safety of patients to drive. A test that it is cheaper and portable meaning patients do not have to travel to expensive specialist centres. Furthermore we will be able to adapt this to a research project to establish if those with peripheral field defects currently not allowed under legislation are safe to drive. Priyanka Angotra Stephanie Campbell Luke Anderson Zans Mihejevs Chris Dalgety James Morgan @campbelleye @tangled_zans @angotrapriyanka @cdalgety
RhiannanalyseMe / SAAAS Offering reanalysis as a service for open data sets. Open data is no good unless it can be used -- simply publishing raw results is not enough. Data is read from a Google spreadsheet, analysed, then plotted and used to dynamically generate a web page. Users can challenge any of the assumptions made in this example TB epidemilogy paper then re-run the stats and check the conclusions. Helen Jackson Carl Reynolds @DeckOfPandas @drcjar
Visual Press Exploring progressive interfaces for Health and Care related data. Focusing on gestalt views and showing Volume. Emaple based on antidepressant HSCIC Data John Kellas Benji Ales @kellasj Medict is a Chrome extension that automatically translates any medical jargon you find on the web. Short, simple definitions show up when you hover over underlined words. Translations provided by NHS Choices. The HEMA Biosciences Team @hemavault Demo


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