London, 16 — 17 May 2015

Held at King's College London, and organised by Dr Helen Jackson

Photo by Paul Clarke ©

Blog posts about the event


ResusRecord An application that makes documentation during medical emergencies easier, faster, and much more accurate. Andrew Mcardle (@andrew_mcardle) Adam Pennycuick Finn Catling (@FinnCatling) Maria Cross John Reynolds Oscar Bennett (@OFBennett) Demo , Slides , Code
Dental Charting UI Open Source Graphic Dental Charting for Community Dental Services – a simple way to record the status of teeth (present, absent, decayed etc), with architecture designed to allow data export in the future. Andrew Geddis-Regan (@andygeddisregan) Becky Wassall (@bexmoxon) Ken Ross (@kzhen) Piete Sartain (@pietesartain) Piotr Dubiniec John Pyle Carys Newbury Demo , Code
Balance Balance is a tool that is used to help improve the dialog between clinician and patient to achieve shared decisions. @barnyhole @medicandme Slides , Code
Diab-etes Diab-eaties is web-based collection of games to teach children some simple principles of managing diabetes in a fun way. They can do it at home, or even in clinic before going in to see the doctor. Simon Chapman (@diab-eaties) Demo , Slides
His Kick Data Using HES Open Data to find stuff out about central London hospitals – but more to find out about HES data itself. @HSCICOpenData Slides
LOCAMOTOR Platform for matching Bank Staff with Vacant slots, with an iPhone app and front facing calendar website. Angela Yu (@YU_Angela) Thomas Borwick (@Tborwick) Ritu Saini James Carter Ayesha Garrett Robert Anderson Demo , Slides
MyCPD MyCPD helps you build your CV and compare your learning path with your peers. Ad and Mike (@drmgeorge87) (@doismellburning) Slides
Big map of (almost) everything An easy to use service to help people find health and care services – from hospitals to defibrillators. All on one map, with the ability to search and filter. @sheldonline @masterniket @ovedpathak @thomasridd @didlix Demo , Slides
W8TX Mobile App Empowering patients to get treated sooner. A hospital-facing web-based software to deliver data assurance and innovative techniques in tracking and management patient flow through the journey from referral to treatment. Noel E
TakeYourMeds TakeYourMeds is a low tech automated phone reminder for patient who sometimes need prompting to take their medications or administer other treatments regularly. @fiona_stacey @deckofpandas @marcus_baw @c-christensen @rossjones @mikejthompson @judegibbons @symroe @szotten Code
moveYA An application to address peoples inactivity when using devices. Demo , Slides
eCDR eCDR (electronic Controlled Drug Register) provides a simple electronic system to monitor and audit the flow of controlled drugs through a pharmacy. This solution meets legislative requirements and is more reliable, less cumbersome and less time consuming than the existing paper based system. @thatdavidmiller @georgelunduk @fredkingham @helenst @bitcollider @drcjar Demo , Slides
Hackabetes Freeing diabetes data and hardware for patients. Tim Omer (@tim_omer) Demo A way for all NHS stakeholders to view relevant patient data, is an interface for patients as well as healthcare professionals, unifying all aspects of patient care into one system. @sean_harbison @lachenmayer @EmMoiii Demo
MyCare Online portal for patient validated reported outcomes. Kingshuk Vijay Andrew Adam Kyle


NHS Hack Day would not be possible without the help of our excellent sponsors.

£5000 towards venue hire and lunch for 150 people on both days
£160 towards infrastructure
New T shirt design, banner, stickers and digital logos for use in projects
10 books as prizes
VPS hosting as a prize
40 NHS Hack Day T shirts
Lots of logistical support