London, 5 — 6 May 2016
Held at Kings College London, and organised by Helen Jackson.
Blog posts about the event
Outbreak | An rapid deployable EMR for usage in remote field hopsitals where there is no infrastructure that utilises not technical expertise to deply and no tech support to maintain. | @thatdavidmiller @dr_michaelmarks Meredydd Luff Nigel Flack Victor Ajayi Simon Chapman Kevin Percival Oskar Pearson Piete Sartain | Project Link |
Daily Pollute | Daily Pollute is a smartphone app that collates personal pollution exposure using open data for air quality. This data can help individuals understand their personal pollution exposure and help with the clinical management of respiratory conditions. Increased awareness of localised pollution hotspots could also push government bodies to improve air quality. | @tomdoel @alangabbianelli @londonlime ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | Project Link |
Digital Anaesthetic Chart | A digital anaesthetic chart that auto populates observation data from a real life anaesthetic monitor! Allows for documenting drugs and procedures | @willtube4food @fredkingham @doismellburning @mikejthompson @marcus_baw @the3lectricwiz @colinwren @knowlesarian | Project Link |
Virtual Analgesia | Mirror therapy has been used to help alleviate this painful and distressing complication with some success, and Virtual Reality has been explored as a novel method of augmenting this. We have looked at several methods of using off-the-shelf technology to deliver VR Mirror Therapy for use in Primary Care | @keithgrimes @brainfoodinator @rushlet_ @cherrysouth @renomarcello @musaddiqg | Project Link |
CAMHS Bed Finder | As a clinician trying to find a mental health bed for my patient, I currently have to manually ring around hospitals until I find one free - this can take several hours. | @mattstibbs @moghraby @lexij @ThomasRidd | Project Link |
Metatrial | Quickly and easily compare primary evidence -- it's like an automatic (and simplified) meta-analysis! | Ali Abdaal Sam Kleeman David Owen Rebecca Smittenaar Andrew Soltan Piotr Tham Rachel Tham Jonathan Ramirez countless others who have since disappeared | Project Link |
Free English Medical Spell Checking Dictionary | This project helps clinicians quickly write up accurate notes by making it really easy to install a medical spell checking dictionary. | @CalumJEadie Chris Baines Devon Buchanan | Project Link |
Banish the bleep | Bleeps are a disruptive, stressful, inefficient means of communication. We created a prototype portal that allows staff to notify teams about non-urgent tasks. Doctors can recieve and respond to these notifications on their smartphones. This improves communication and prevents unecessary doctorus interruptus. | @guttereejy @amarraja @shockham @samwinward | Project Link |
HL7 Integration Engine | Can we create HL7 routes, with transformations, easily using Node.JS and can they be 'containerised' using Docker? Is it a suitable alternative to the traditional monolithic solutions? | @technotone | Project Link |
BloodFlow | A modern blood test flowsheet solution that allows clinicians to better understand and see trends in blood test results. Data feed is being fed using a HL7 FHIR API based on realistic patient data undergoing chemotherapy for blood cancers. | @wai2k -- -- @MattMHartley @nathyong | Project Link |
On Screen Instant Friend (OSIF) | The On-screen Instant Friend application detects that a fall has occurred and instantly connects the user with a contact centre or carer, who can then check if the patient is ok. | Max Wylde Chris Emerson Mark Hope | Project Link |
CBT Interactive | Patients diagnosed with Functional Neuorlogical Disorders often have to wait up to one year for specialist treatment. This app provides education, monitoring and intervention using the CBT model, to promote recovery before admission. | @chris_sym @jackbush @amypknelson @karaleabhishek | Project Link |
Simulation Cast | Online collaborative simulation training. Train with your colleagues on critical situations, where-ever you are | @DrTechnophile @7thbeat | Project Link |
NHS Hack Day would not be possible without the help of our excellent sponsors.
£2,500 | | | | ||
Fresh EHR | £300 | |
Health Forge | £250 | |
Moorhen Solutions | £210 | |
Servercode Ltd | £250 | |
Across Health Ltd | £200 | |
David Greenwood | £120 | | | £300 | |