Datasets and APIs

Datasets and APIs that might be useful. We're always delighted to add to this list, so get in touch if you can contribute anything.

OpendataWe're using The Open Definition which can be summarised as:

A piece of data or content is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and/or share-alike.

ProprietaryDataWhile it may be easy to get access to this data, it's subject to various terms and conditions that make it not open.


A comprehensive health database with APIs

Assortment of APIs and other resources, mainly clinical knowledge

NHS Choices API application

Infectious diseases -- CDC

Infectious diseases -- WHO

Infectious diseases -- HPA

Infectious diseases -- MDTravel

Infectious diseases -- Health Map

APIs for SNOFyre, a demonstrator tool for use with SNOMED CT clinical records for aggregation and analysis, giving a range of functions such as browsing the terminology

SNOB, a server for the 300,000 clinical terms found in SNOMED CT

BioPortal, a quick way to support autocomplete on a problem list

ALISS (Access to Local Information to Support Self-management -- Scottish info) -- community assets of all sorts to help people live well with a long-term condition.

Commissioning data packs

National Dementia and Antipsychotic Prescribing Audit info at GP level -- restricted to GPs and selected others

Nationally supported clinical audits

CPRD/GRPD/GOLD -- patient-level GP data pricelist

QOF datasets

Datasets used to make CMO annual report on the nation's health for 2011

NHS Atlas of Variation (see here for more information and to view maps etc)

Marmot indicators for local authorities in England 2012 -- maps

Marmot indicators for local authorities in England 2012 -- data NHS datasets

Kasabi NHS datasets (complete list at here)


HSCIC Indicator Portal (Population health data, GP practice data, NHS Outcomes Framework data, hospital mortality, social care)

HSCIC -- searchable list of NHS approved datasets

HSCIC -- transparency data (includes GP Prescribing Data)

HSCIC -- useful list of stuff

CfH -- major classification schemes for disease and intervention (more for bean counting than clinicians or patients)

NHS Data Hub

Government economic costing for various sectors, including healthcare, for example cost per GP visit

Wish listThings we'd love to have!

  • HES data -- as a minimum, aggregates could be made available at useful levels :
  • NICOR -- positive intent, but difficult to find data :
  • Legacy Library -- to be scraped and mined :
  • -- to be scraped and mined :
  • Data at hospital level rather than trust level -- important for a public audience who don't know or care about who runs an organisation and important for understanding variations within a provider : (no link)
  • CQC's Quality and Risk Profiles (currently only available to providers and CQC staff)